CoronaVirus, a meditation on fear and uncertainty
Fear helps to protect ourselves from dangers.
Once in a while, in case of emergency.
But when uncertainty and fear cripple us so much that we communicate this anxiety, that was communicated to us too, to others: our loved ones our communities our children, we suffer.
Fear is like a huge shockwave that embraces the surface of our planet, touching all life by the ripple effect.
This is when we have to remember, face and acknowledge that, WE as a human species are all connected, even when it comes to our deep-rooted suffering.
So let’s start by being grateful for our bodies for the strength of our immune systems.
I love you my body, my partner, and I am grateful for your support. Every day, you help me to go through the numerous activities that are important to me.
I am thankful to my immune system for protecting me against unwanted bacteria and viruses.
I am so thankful for you that I will nourish you with the greenest and healthiest foods that I can afford so that you get stronger and stronger day after day helping me to fight if needed
I am grateful to my brain for releasing the hormones that I need for the cells to be repaired, regenerated and rejuvenated. As well as for my mental, emotional and spiritual balance.
We can restore our body’s equilibrium by choosing to remain neutral, in other words by not adding more information, in this case, fear into, our field.
This way our system can use its homeostasis function which is the ability to self regulate despite our circumstances in the world outside
We can hibernate for a while slowing down our activity, our minds, releasing, letting go, clearing.
It feels so good, so let’s breathe deeply
I breathe in slowly and I breathe out even slower
One efficient technique for fear and anxiety management is deep breathing. You focus on your belly and engage the diaphragm that will help you take more air and so more oxygen.
Breathe in, expanding your diaphragm, and breathe out.
It feels satisfying, calming
Let’s breathe again, focusing on our belly
Breathe in …
And breathe out …
I am safe, I am OK at present.
The quality of this moment will inspire quality solutions.
What can I do to sustain during the crisis?
Live fully.
Anything that brings me energy.
Strengthen my immune system.
Asking myself constructive questions like.
What changes in my lifestyle and my diet can I make to support my system?
Such as quitting with processed industrial foods to replace with fresh and nutritious healthy organic foods bought at my local farm, supporting them at the same time.
I AM brave.
I CAN take a step back from the situation, from the fear, at least for people who cannot do it at this moment. I am strong, I can help.
This virus does not take more lives than some more common diseases. So why am so scared?
Because of what I hear, because of the uncertainty.
When and why did I let it touch me so deeply? It touches me deeply. It’s like a wound on which media throws salt.
It reminds me of my own impermanence.
But maybe it is a good thing because at last I can start to live like there is no tomorrow.
Maybe it is time to do the things that I always wanted to do,
Now, What am I waiting for?
I welcome uncertainty
Take a deep breath in…
And out…
I welcome uncertainty.
Breath in…
And out…
We can help each other.
On top of strengthening our bodies, we can strengthen our relationships
We need each other to brave difficulties as a clan, protecting each other.
That is a good investment plan to bet on human relationships.
Instead of doubting and fearing each other like we have been taught.
We feel lonely because we don’t know how to connect anymore.
We are confused
Fear attracts fear, you heard that, I am sure.
I am not my reaction. I am not my fear. I’ve just learned them
I decide to unlearn my beliefs.
Because I am above and beyond it
I am in control
I have no fear
I am free to take charge or to resign now. What am I deciding?
I thought so… Me neither, I’m never going to quit because like you and everyone else I am born to survive no matter what I am dealing with.
I am not going without a fight
So that is what I am going to do
That is what WE are going to do
We are going to learn, we are going to prepare ourselves, strengthen ourselves, helping each other.
Take a deep breath.
Put both your hands on your belly, just rubbing it as if you were pregnant with a baby that you would like to comfort. Shhh
I give myself space, love and compassion.
I enjoy the feeling of surrender.
I surrender my deepest fears to release them so that they don’t interfere with my chances for wellbeing and happiness.
I give a minute if you still need some time to surrender, then we will close with a mantra
The mantra is :
I welcome uncertainty, it is a platform for change and evolution
I welcome uncertainty, it is a platform for change and evolution
When thoughts arise, come back to the mantra.
You will hear a bell that will mark the end of the session
I welcome uncertainty, it is a platform for change and evolution
Written by: Ellen
Ellen is a Professional Mindfulness and meditation teacher, a singer-songwriter and Sound Therapist. She is certified USUI Reiki Master Level III. She’s an intuitive Tarot Reader. In her work, she creates a safe space where she uses Reiki, Meditation, Sound healing Tarot and teachings, to heal body, mind and spirit and promote a sound sleep.