How can relaxation techniques help with anxiety disorders such as PTSD or ADHD ?
For people with ADHD, relaxation can help to improve focus and attention.
Tarot reading, how does it work ?
There are 3 ways to know the tarot. Intellectually, by intuition and by psychic abilities. Learning the cards If you look at a card, you will see that it is composed of symbols. Within the character and its characteristics, the environment as well as the background, the objects, the positions, the choice of colors, the signs, letters, words, etc. The good thing is that we know more
Messages and predictions October 2022 Forecast
Messages and predictions: your energies for October 2022 - Tarot reading 6 card pull : 8 of cups 2 of wands 4 of wands Moonology : Work on your emotions and feelings Prism : illumination Spirit animal deck: overcoming all obstacles Welcome to the October collective energy reading
Tarot, why the obsession ?
What is tarot, and why are people becoming obsessed with it? Did you notice how the Tarot's popularity is increasing, especially in the last 2 years? It will only get stronger in the next few years, and I'll explain why in a moment. First, let's start at the beginning. What is Tarot? What purpose does it serve in life, some might ask?
Finding Clarity In Perturbed Times
These difficult times teach us that we can no longer rely on a stable reality, nor can we take our lives for granted. In reality, we have never had control over them. It has always been and remains an illusion. There is no life insurance, retirement insurance, no job, house or contract that can bring […]
CoronaVirus, a meditation on fear and uncertainty
Fear helps to protect ourselves from dangers. Once in a while, in case of emergencyBut when uncertainty and fear cripple us so much that we communicate this anxiety, that was communicated to us too, to others: our loved ones our communities our children, we suffer. Fear is like a huge shockwave that embraces the surface of our planet, touching all life by the ripple effect. This
WE change, not what is, a meditation on hope
Welcome to the 5th dimension with your podcast and newsletter, "5D Metamorphosis. When we change, it is actually a change in consciousness. We integrate a new idea, a new concept, to which we say “yes”. From path number one, we take path number 2, thanks to a piece of new integrated information: This is called “evolving”.Are you one of those who think that changing our mind is
Can spiritual practices really heal you ?
Welcome to the 5th dimension with your podcast and newsletter "5D Metamorphosis. Today, in our very first episode I’ll be talking about the spiritual and personal development practices that we sometimes do such as meditation, Yoga, reading spirituality books, participating in retreats etc...Why? Simply because a lot of people are not moving forward feel stuck in their progression and